
EventSpiration is currently accepting submissions of real wedding, engagement, and inspiration shoots.  EventSpiration wants to highlight weddings of all sizes, types and budgets.  I am looking for special little details, brides and grooms with unique stories to tell, and original and beautiful photography.  A wedding does not have to be expensive or over the top to be featured on EventSpiration.  Please don't hesitate to submit a wedding here, even if it has been turned down on other sites.  EventSpiration believes all weddings deserve a chance to shine.
To submit photos for consideration, please email
  • Please include who you are and your role in the wedding. (Are you the bride/groom, photographer, wedding planner?)
  • Between 10-15 of your best photographs of the shoot.  Please make sure the photos are web quality.  For wedding photos, please include the name of the bride and broom and wedding details, such as the wedding date and place the ceremony and reception were held.
  • Please include the photographer's name, contact information and website.
If I am interested in showcasing your wedding on this blog, I will be back in touch with you for more information, with some questions for the newly married couple, including details about their vendors (florist, dress designer, wedding coordinator, makeup artist, etc) and any special details about their wedding day.

Please do not submit photographs that are watermarked.  While I understand the need for doing so, it does not make for a pleasant viewing experience.  You may include a small business logo in the bottom left or right corner of each photo.  Please do not submit photos that have been featured on other blogs or websites.  I will do my best to review photos and give you an answer as soon as possible if your submission has been accepted.

For any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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